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Pioniere gesucht!

Verwirklichen Sie Ihre Idee mit einem starken Partner


Pioneers wanted!

The digital revolution is in full swing. In recent years, federal, state and public administrations have played a leading role in paving the way for digitalization. Whether open data, E-Government Act (EGovG), e-procurement, digital invoice or e-file: hardly any area of public administration can ignore its persistent threat of penetration.

Our many years of experience in the public sector include countless projects, as well as expertise in technology and customer relationship management. As a result we understand what is important to new companies in the field of GovTech matters.

Therefore, whether still in the development phase or already established, GovTech supports selected start-ups, ideas and teams. We can provide know-how for further development of business models, help to create innovative solutions and provide coaching to understand this special market.

Who we are

It’s hard for start-ups and early stage companies to attract venture capitalists and business angels if the terms “public sector” or “state” are used in their business model.

The public sector has the reputation that sales cycles are still measured in years, and that even standard software introductions need tedious planning and customizing. However, due to the introduction of smart software and standardized cloud solutions, today’s trends are completely different within public sectors. But one thing has remained unchanged: the prerequisite to meet the high standards and requirements not solely regarding data protection and security.

And that’s where we enter the game. For more than 20 years the GovTech division has taken opportunities to develop innovative and exciting measures in response to problems for this important market. We want to introduce innovative solutions to help the state and its institutions to offer more economical and citizen-friendly services and thus also contribute valuable contributions for society. Take the advantage to benefit from our experience: If you are interested in working with us feel free to contact pioneer@govtech.de.