Winner of the WSA Germany 2018 and thus also nominated for the World Summit Award 2018 in the category "Government & Citizen Engagement" is the solution for online security checks (OSiP) developed by cosinex and publicplan.
The World Summit Award (WSA) was initiated in 2003 at the UN World Summit on the Information Society (UN WSIS) in Geneva. Since then, the international competition has annually awarded prizes to the best digital solutions that help to implement the United Nations' sustainability goals. The German representation, the national WSA Office, organises the "WSA Germany" to award the German contributions. The WSA Germany awards the best German digital solutions in eight official WSA categories.
Just in time for the application for the WSA Award we present the project on Youtube.
About OSiP
In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the Aviation Security Act (LuftSiG) was enacted in 2005 and defined, among other things, groups of persons who must be security-screened to protect against attacks on the security of civil air traffic before gaining access to sensitive areas such as airports. The security and reliability check, which is largely carried out analogously to the Security Verification Act (SÜG), was successively extended in the following years, e.g. to include nuclear facilities, port security, naturalisation and residence, weapons ownership, etc.
Since 2014, cosinex has been working on a new development in order to map the highly sensitive communication between the applicant, the competent authority and the so-called intelligence centres (i.e. police, state criminal investigation offices, constitutional protection authorities, etc.) more efficiently and with the required level of (in particular IT-) security.
Since 2017, the award-winning application has been included in the IT Planning Council's group of coordination projects. In addition to Governikus, D-115 or the German Administrative Services Directory (DVDV), OSiP is thus one of the nine applications that have emerged from the projects of the IT Planning Council and which are now to be jointly used, permanently operated and further developed.